Laser Technik Ltd

Providing Internet services for over a quarter of a century. 

Not everyone finds Microsoft Office products as “easy to use” as advertised.

Let an IT professional build your document or spreadsheet.

This offer was stimulated when I received some documents from a solicitor that I needed to complete.  The structure was a complete mess. Even the basics were not implemented like page header and footer. They needed to cater for people completing the forms by hand but it’s the 21st century! Many of their clients will have at least basic IT literacy and would prefer to complete the forms on a PC.

What can be done does depend on the client, it’s important to allow for those without computer access.

I have a free example, a MS Word document to collect a week’s worth of blood pressure test results. It can be printed off and completed by hand or used on a PC where it can do some calculations. Request the example

Want to automate more than this?

There can be problems with sending clients a Word document or Excel spreadsheet.

  • They need compatible software
  • They need a PC
  • They need to have basic IT literacy
  • When the data comes back it may be necessary to re-enter it in a different format, e.g. to add to a database
  • People may need clarification/explanation of some of the questions
  • They may need to do some simple calculations and may not be good at basic maths
  • The recipient might change aspects of the paperwork they shouldn’t.  Change or delete a contract clause for example.

In that case there are other options.

Use an Adobe PDF to collect data from protected fields and even include a digital signature.

Use an on-line web form. With some care that may be constructed in such a way as to be usable from a smart-phone.

“Help” fields can be added to pop-up explanations of questions.

Inputs can be “managed”, features like address finders, drop-down lists, tick boxes, value sliders.

A form may be made dynamic.  Example “Have you any pre-existing health condition? Y/N”. If the response is Y then open an additional input field to request details.

The data from the form can be send direct to a database or to create an email.

A web-form may attract “unwanted” attention.  In that case it can be protected behind a password  but in any case it’s normal to add a CAPTCHA code and other features to detect and block unauthorised use.